
Sleep Apnea and Bruxism: What You Need to Know

November 26, 2021 | Author: Admin-GDA
Treating OSA and Sleep-Related Bruxism

As many as one in three people suffer from bruxism, a condition causing grinding of the teeth during sleep. Recently, research has shown that many people who with bruxism can experience TMJ and may also be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Up to 80 percent of the one in 15 people estimated to suffer […]

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What Can I Do If I Have a Dead Tooth?

September 3, 2021 | Author: Admin-GDA
family dentist Gainesville VA

Approximately one in every five Americans has at least one or more untreated cavities. While cavities happen, it’s important to make sure that they’re treated as quickly as possible to prevent further tooth decay. When tooth decay is too advanced, the pulp of the tooth can become injured and infected. This can cause a tooth […]

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Simple Ways to Protect Your Teeth This Independence Day

July 2, 2021 | Author: Admin-GDA

This Fourth of July weekend, many of us will be celebrating with our families and having a good old-fashioned cookout while watching the local fireworks. While dental care may not be at the forefront of your mind this holiday, it’s a good idea to be aware of some of the hidden dangers that could be […]

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