Worried About Dental Sedation? 4 Frequently Asked Questions

dental sedationDentistry is actually one of the 10 most trusted and ethical professions in the United States. Despite the fact that people trust dental professionals, there are still plenty of concerns when it comes to dental sedation. Sedation dentistry refers to the use of pharmacological agents to both calm and relax a patient prior to and throughout a dental procedure.

All kinds of people are nervous about going to the dentist, but even more are concerned about sedation. Hopefully, this information will help you better understand sedation dentistry and help quell your concerns. Here are some important frequently asked questions pertaining to dental sedation:

  • Can sedation dentistry be used on children? — Yes. Since children often worry about dental procedures more than adults, sedation is a great way to ease their nerves and relax them before, during, and even after a visit to the dentist. Keep in mind, it’s up to you as the parent to decide whether or not your child will receive sedation dentistry.
  • Are there various levels of sedation? — Yes. There are four main types of sedation dentistry: General anesthesia, mild sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation. General anesthesia is a drug-induced loss of consciousness during which patients are not aware, even by painful stimulation. Mild sedation is a drug-induced state during which patients respond to normal verbal commands. Moderate sedation is similar to mild, but the patients have more trouble with cognitive functions. Deep sedation involves patients not being aware of their surroundings and can barely respond to any verbal stimulation.
  • How long does sedition dentistry medical last? — The medication duration depends on the type of sedation dentistry being administered. But the majority of sedation medication wears off within two to three hours. Patients should have a driver available to pick them up from the dentist office after any kind of dental sedation.
  • What does it feel like at the end? — At the end of your procedure, you’ll likely have little memory of sitting in the dentist chair at all. You’ll feel groggy and lethargic for a bit, but then you’ll be back to your normal self after a few hours.

If you want to learn more about sedation dentistry or find experienced dentists who can help with all your dental care needs, including root canals, veneers, implants, and more, contact Gainesville Dental Associates right away.