Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month, Because Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

It’s the month of October and everyone is excited about:

HALLOWEEN! Yes… but no.

The World Series! Yes… but no.National Dental Hygiene Month | Good oral health | Gainesville dentist

Gainesville Dental Associates is excited about National Dental Hygiene Month!

The staff at Gainesville Dental Associates wishes you a Happy National Dental Hygiene Month (NDHM)! The importance of National Dental Hygiene Month is to promote good oral health maintenance to the public.


Because your oral health can affect your overall health.

They say a way to a person’s heart is through the stomach, but before anything gets to the stomach — or anywhere else for that matter — it all has to go through the mouth. When there are problems left to run amok in your mouth, those problems can wreak havoc on the rest of your body.

But how?

Your mouth is filled with bacteria. Now, don’t get grossed out; most of these bacteria are harmless, and your body knows what to do to keep it under control, with the help of regular brushing and flossing, of course. It’s when you don’t practice good oral hygiene that bacteria can lead to infection, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Know that decongestants, antihistamines, painkillers, and diuretics can also contribute to the overflow of bad bacteria, simply because they exist in your system. Such medications reduce saliva flow, thus reducing its power to wash away food and neutralize the acid produced by the bacteria present in your mouth, which can in turn lead to — you guessed it — infection, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Poor dental hygiene practices can contribute to the spread of disease:

  • Endocarditis impacts the lining of the heart, and is caused when bacteria (such as from the mouth) or other nasty germs spread into the bloodstream, ultimately making their way to, and attacking the endocardium.
  • Some researchers have found evidence that pervasive heart disease, clogged arteries, and stroke could be linked to oral inflammation and infection.
  • Osteoporosis (a disease that causes bones to become brittle) could be linked to periodontal bone and tooth loss.
  • Poor oral health, and tooth loss before the age of 35 are potential risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Practice good dental hygiene, to protect your oral health, to protect your overall health.